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Take a few minutes to learn how you can get a lot more business at a fraction of the cost.

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Secure your spot today

Spots are limited. Please fill in the form to check availability and to request information.

Spots are limited. Please fill in the form to check availability and to request information.

Spots are limited. Please fill in the form to check availability and to request information.

10k+ reach for an unbelievably low price

Unlike other advertising, get seen every day in high income homes and around the city.

One business type per postcard. Don't let your competition take your spot.

Check Availability

Fill in the form. If we have a spot available,
we'll send you more information.

Fill in the form. If we have a spot available,
we'll send you more information.

Fill in the form. If we have a spot available,
we'll send you more information.

Incredible Price

Paid ads cost $8k-$30k for 10k views. Big Bertha costs just a few hundred to reach even more.

Incredible Price

Paid ads cost $8k-$30k for 10k views. Big Bertha costs just a few hundred to reach even more.

Incredible Price

Paid ads cost $8k-$30k for 10k views. Big Bertha costs just a few hundred to reach even more.

Incredible Price

Paid ads cost $8k-$30k for 10k views. Big Bertha costs just a few hundred to reach even more.

More Exposure

The only advertising that gets shared. Be seen over and over again, all month long.

More Exposure

The only advertising that gets shared. Be seen over and over again, all month long.

More Exposure

The only advertising that gets shared. Be seen over and over again, all month long.

More Exposure

The only advertising that gets shared. Be seen over and over again, all month long.

Better Results

DirecDirect mail gets results, Big Bertha gets more because it's kept longer and shared in the city.

Better Results

DirecDirect mail gets results, Big Bertha gets more because it's kept longer and shared in the city.

Better Results

DirecDirect mail gets results, Big Bertha gets more because it's kept longer and shared in the city.

Better Results

DirecDirect mail gets results, Big Bertha gets more because it's kept longer and shared in the city.

Rare Opportunity

Each business type gets one spot. When your competitor subscribes, that spot is gone.

Rare Opportunity

Each business type gets one spot. When your competitor subscribes, that spot is gone.

Rare Opportunity

Each business type gets one spot. When your competitor subscribes, that spot is gone.

Rare Opportunity

Each business type gets one spot. When your competitor subscribes, that spot is gone.

Are you ready for a boost?

Clickfuzz Digital Marketing is a full service advertising agency. We love to help businesses get amazing results. Are you curious about how we can help you? Send us an email.

Contact Us

924 26 Road
Grand Junction, Colorado

(970) 316-3016

© 2024 All Right Reserved by ClickFuzz Digital Marketing

Are you ready for a boost?

Clickfuzz Digital Marketing is a full service advertising agency. We love to help businesses get amazing results. Are you curious about how we can help you? Send us an email.

Contact Us

924 26 Road
Grand Junction, Colorado

(970) 316-3016

© 2024 All Right Reserved by ClickFuzz Digital Marketing

Are you ready for a boost?

Clickfuzz Digital Marketing is a full service advertising agency. We love to help businesses get amazing results. Are you curious about how we can help you? Send us an email.

Contact Us

924 26 Road
Grand Junction, Colorado

(970) 316-3016

© 2024 All Right Reserved by ClickFuzz Digital Marketing

Are you ready for a boost?

Clickfuzz Digital Marketing is a full service advertising agency. We love to help businesses get amazing results. Are you curious about how we can help you? Send us an email.

Contact Us

924 26 Road
Grand Junction, Colorado

(970) 316-3016

© 2024 All Right Reserved by ClickFuzz Digital Marketing